About this blog

As I write this is a brand new blog with, to my knowledge, no visitors. I sincerely hope this will change, and as it does the readership will probably shape the direction of the site to some extent.

I have no political agenda. I write this through a fondness for Thamesmead despite its flaws, and as a tiny stand against the stereotyped image it has. It’s rare to see a mention in the press that doesn’t make some nod to the scenes of A Clockwork Orange that were filmed in the area, and the overall reputation of Thamesmead suggests it’s a crime ridden, drug fuelled, gang ruled hell hole inhabited by undereducated low end workers with no prospects.

It’s a testament to town planning gone wrong, I admit, but even those mistakes, that history, is fascinating. Despite the reputation it’s not a bad place to live. I’m ten minutes from a train station set to become a terminating point for Crossrail. I’m less than that distance from the woods and the ruins of an abbey. People tend to greet each other on the streets, and while there’s no tube there is a good bus service including a night bus. The shopping facilities are lacking, but we’re within easy reach of Dartford, Greenwich isn’t too far and trains go to London Bridge where Borough Market is one of the most acclaimed food spots of London.

I live in zone 4, in an astonishingly cheap and large house, although I do commute to the opposite end of London for work.

I want to present an alternative view of what people assume is a complete dump, and comment on both the locale and the happenings that affect where I live. As yet I don’t know any locals, despite living here for three years, but perhaps that will change.

I aim to be honest but balanced and I’m interested in hearing other views but won’t tolerate abuse. I hope what I have to say is of interest.

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